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Attention NFL fans !


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We know you're Orioles fans, first. However, MLB Free Agency doesn't start for a few weeks, and Orioles baseball news is a little slow at the moment.

We would like to keep everyone engaged and are encouraging you to also check out our Ravens, Redskins, and NFL forums. The Orioles game threads draw a lot of traffic and we can have that on our NFL forums as well.


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Football season is now over!! Get ready for Winter Meetings and ST.
Alas, it seems to be over for the Ravens. :( I recently came home from that wretched game where they blew a 14-3 lead to the Cleveland Browns. The Ravens had a 4th quarter meltdown and lost.
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Alas, it seems to be over for the Ravens. :( I recently came home from that wretched game where they blew a 14-3 lead to the Cleveland Browns. The Ravens had a 4th quarter meltdown and lost.

Agree....sadly, its difficult to get excited about "NFL talk" right about now. Remarked to my cousin how telling it is that I actually looked at 2016 mock drafts today...

Tough year for Baltimore sports, it's looking like...

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